When you travel frequently, you run into a lot of people. Whether it is your seatmate on the airplane or some random stranger at the bar, when you’re on the road, you are bound to be in a situation where you are talking with someone you don’t know. I usually try to avoid this as much as possible. Those that know me know that I’m not a…
We recently met up with some friends having a guys weekend in Boston. For a one-night stay, we figured we could try a new hotel as on our last trip to Boston, the W Boston was underwhelming. Since the primary focus of the trip was to catch the Kansas City Royals at the Boston Red Sox, we didn’t want to stay “out in the boonies” at The…
You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged in quite awhile. In fact, my last post was August 14, 2013. Yikes! Sorry folks! As you can see, Justin Does… has a new look. My site was being redesigned and I didn’t post during the transition. Also, and this might be oversharing, I moved the underlying blog platform from software called blogger to something called WordPress.…
What a year 2012 was for me, travel-wise! And not to mention the launch of this blog: www.JustinDoesBlog.com (thank you so much for reading)! I took 96 domestic flights in 2012. Here’s a map: and a map of the 9 INTERNATIONAL flights I took: A few statistics: A total 74,830 butt-in-seat miles were flown – enough miles to circumnavigate the earth 3 times I spent 9 days or 216…
One month ago, I flipped the switch on this blog, www.justin-does.com. Many friends have urged me over the years to do something like this and what better time to start: halfway through my masters program, in the weeks leading up to a major accreditation site visit for work, and while maintaining a travel-healthy schedule. The timing makes perfect sense, wouldn’t you say? It has been…
Welcome to Justin Does…! I have been an avid traveller since I was a kid and I attained my first ‘elite’ status with an airline when I was a freshman in college. I travel close to 100,000 miles a year and spend close to 50 nights per year in hotels. I have visited 47 states in the US and almost 30 countries on 4 continents.…

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