In case you don’t have the two and a half minutes, I’ve listed the trips the video says should take in your twenties (although, I think these are trips that you should take at some point in your lifetime, not just your twenties):
go on a road trip, across the country, with your best friends
use a eurail pass to see europe, preferably on your own (just try not to get bedbugs at the hostels)
go on a cheesy spring break (in your early 20s); just remember, spring break is like an STD: it stays with you for life
lose yourself in southeast asia, preferably with new friends who you meet on the road
you should probably go to burning man, but if you can’t make it to black rock bonnaroo will do in a pinch
go to the himalayas and embrace your inner beastie boy
go on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere
spend a week on the beach with someone you love
take a last minute trip on a train to see an old friend
spend a week in paris with a friend that you hope secretly likes you back
What do you think? What are some absolute trips you must experience?