A friend recently passed along an article to me regarding the secret lives of a hotel pillows. I read the article while on a plane, after spending a night at relatively cheap airport hotel. Some interesting points from the article:
- The pillow tag exists to fight smallpox. Apparently back in the late 1800s, ‘entrepeneurs’ got the idea to stuff pillows with old hospital sheets. Think about it, some of those sheets might have contained smallpox or tuberculosis. Gross! So a law was passed mandating the exact percentages of the fill used in pillows.
- Your pillow at home is probably older than the pillow in a hotel. Most hotels replace about a third of their pillows every year. Can you say the same for your pillows at home?

I wonder how clean these pillows were? Yikes!
- Chop and fold is the way to go! Now this wasn’t news to me thanks to my several year stint in retail (for the discount, of course!) The most efficient way to stuff your pillow into a pillow case is to chop it in half length-wise, fold over, and gently pull the pillow case over.
Next time you stay in a hotel, try to forget what you just read. Think about it – or not – you really didn’t want to know anything that you just read, right? Yea, me neither.
What do you think – do hotel pillows give you the heeby-jeebies?
To read the full article, check it out here: The secret lives of a hotel pillows.
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