Now that the winter months are behind us, air travel will begin to get busier. As planes are flying fuller than usual, and as a result, people can be grouchier and easier to upset. In the latest issue of InFluential Magazine I offer some basic etiquette tips for your time in airports and in the air. Turn to page 22-23 (print) / page 25-26 (digital) to learn more! Did…
The start of a new year brings change in the lives of many people. Most people will make a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, which is traditionally known as a New Year’s Resolution. Popular goals include resolutions to improve physical well-being, improve finances, improve mental well-being, or to take a trip. Because I’m all about travel, I challenge you…
It’s the holiday season and chances are you are reading this issue while traveling to see loved ones. You’ve stowed your carry on in the overhead bin. You’ve securely fastened the seatbelt. You’re on your way. Or perhaps you’ve just set the cruise control as you’re driving down a country road as you’re on your way to see loved ones. Regardless of how you’re doing…
Whether you spend a few days or a few months traveling, it is important to look good when in the airport or hotel lobby–and I’m not talking about clothes. I’m talking about what you use to bring your fabulous clothes along with you – your luggage. I’m excited to share with you the latest issue of InFluential Magazine, where I share my tried and true pieces of…
SUMMER IS HERE! I had the realization when I was flipping through a Pottery Barn catalog recently. And then I panicked—I had yet to plan my summer vacation. Where should I go? Should I do a beach vacation? Perhaps a hiking trip to the mountains? And then I got an idea: I should plan a vacation to something that is truly an American classic: Nantucket Island. I’m…
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is difficult enough when you are at home. Finding time for the gym or a little bit of exercise in your busy schedule is half the battle. Then when you throw in travel plans, any sort of regular schedule you have is shot. I travel over 100,000 miles a year via, planes, trains, and automobiles. As a result, I’m excited to…
Imagine if you never travelled further than 50 miles from where you were born and raised? Nothing enriches you more than travelling and experiencing new places and cultures. I’m excited to share with you the latest issue of InFluential Magazine, where I talk about how travel enriches your life. Turn to page 32 and 33 to learn more! Did you enjoy this post or learn something new? Please like this…

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